This little gem was another 'net find, although I have since seen copies of this particular album (apparently pressed in Italy!) on sale for around the $18 mark. A trawl of the interweb has revealed little other information about the great man, other than he's probably better known as a composer, penning the music to a number of Hebraic hits, such as Yesh Eyr (There is a City) and writing the score to the 1980 movie Kohav Hashahar (Morning Star).
He's not a great singer - the title track of his most recent album has been put through a vocoder or auto-tune (a la Cher) - but what does that matter? Perhaps in his native language he's a bit more palatable, but English is clearly a struggle for him. Still, he does his best, and thank the lord for that otherwise we would not have this nugget.
Judge for yourself as we present, in his own inimitable style, Eli's version of that old chestnut The Impossible Dream: