So, here’s some more.
Yes: today I present, for your enjoyment, even more ludicrous David
Bowie covers. But instead of the obvious, we’re going to look at
foreign-language covers of a couple of David’s early hits, namely Space Oddity and The Laughing Gnome.
First up is Spanish duo Hermanos Calatrava with their
dreadful version of Bowie’s breakthrough hit, which I believe would translate
as Curiosidad Del Espacio, but they kept the original title anyway. Hermanos
Calatrava consist of brother brothers Manuel García Lozano (Manolo) and
Francisco García Lozano (Paco), and are a pair of ‘comedians, parodists and
singers’, according to their Wikipedia page. With their take on Space Oddity they’ve attempted to turn
the song into some sort of satirical sketch, but it backfires spectacularly.
Issued as the B-side to their 1974 single Gigi
L’Amoroso, It’s just horrendous. The pair have been hamming it up since
1955: it’s about time they stopped.
Next is Italian band I Giganti with Corri Uomo Corri, a
reasonable ‘straight’ version of Space
Oddity that was issued in 1970, just a year after the original. It’s
nothing like as bad as the Hermanos Calatrava version, although the member of
the quartet who handles the introductory vocal (who, I believe, is drummer
Enrico Papes) sounds to me like he needs surgery: no one should sound that much
like a bullfrog naturally. The psychedelic keyboard solo is a nice touch.
Popular in their native land between from the mid-60s until the early 70s, they
split around 1972 but a new version of the band, featuring some original
members, resurfaced in 2008, releasing an album of re-recordings of their early

Finally, I’ll leave you with the utterly charming French yéyé
singer Caroline, and her single Mister A Gogo, a fun but nutso version of The Laughing Gnome, issued in 1967 and
now super-rare, commanding silly prices for the original single. I love this: I
hope you will too!
Download I Giganti HERE
Download Caroline HERE