Advertising himself as Britain’s Number One Dwarf, Rusty Goffe has had a long and distinguished career in this business we call show. There’s scarcely a movie you thank think of which has needed an actor of his stature (4’2”) in which he has not appeared: five of the Harry Potter films, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Willow, Funnybones, Flash Gordon and Fred Clause to name just a few. He played no less than three roles in the first ‘proper’ Star Wars movie (the one that’s now stupidly been relabelled IV: A New Hope). He’s even in Ken Russell’s short film A Kitten for Hitler – now that’s something to be proud of.
His list of television credits just goes on and on: the League of Gentlemen
(he was part of Papa Lazarou’s circus), Are You being Served?, The Goodies, the
Two Ronnies, the Kenny Everett TV Show, Crackerjack, Dave Allan….Rusty is
Britain’s ‘go-to’ dwarf.
And before you get all PC on me, in an interview with the
BBC the multi-talented Mr Goffe had this to say: “I'm happy to refer to myself
as a dwarf. That’s what I am – dwarfism is a form of achondroplasia. I’ve had
'vertically challenged’, but the best was 'superior depth' – I thought that was
Born in October 1948 in Kent, Rusty and his wife Sarah (who
stands 5’7” tall) now live in Bedfordshire and have two sons, Ben and Jack (both
also dwarves and both also busy actors). He left school at 15 and went straight
into showbiz: for 13 years the couple ran the Sarah Goffe Theatre School; he
has been in constant demand for pantomime, has appeared in two Royal Variety Shows
(an annual stage shindig performed in front of a member of the royal family)
and for many years he toured the music halls and variety theatres with his one
man band act. In fact his first job was playing the piano and the trumpet in a
band show in Portsmouth six nights a week.
And it’s this last talent which interest us. For Rusty released
a single. Not just a single, but a rather wonderful three track EP – Cabaret Time
on Crotchet Records - which I present for you today in all of its glory, thanks
to the kindness of Mick Dillingham, who originally included a track on his must-have
CD Music for Mentalists. Earlier in his career Rusty also released an album,
For Your Entertainment on Le Marc records, on which he played 10 instruments;
the sleeve notes to this EP claim that he can play 32 instruments, however his
website proudly boasts of his ability to play no less than 44.
Side one of the EP includes two tracks that had previously
appeared on his album: Ten Feet Tall (a self-penned number rather than a cover
of the XTC classic) and an instrumental version of The Bells of St Marys. But
it’s side two that’s the pip; Rusty’s rendition of the perennial favourite The
Music Man, in which he showcases his ability to play (with varying degrees of
success) the piano, the trumpet, the organ, the saxophone, guitar, the bagpipes
and the drums.
It’s a wonderful, kitsch record and, as the sleeve claims: ‘Cabaret
Time with Rusty Goffe is a must for your record collection’. I couldn’t have
put it better myself. Enjoy!
What better way to start the Easter break, bless him!!
ReplyDeleteThat's a genuine Woolworth's Audition guitar on the cover
ReplyDeleteWonderfully apparent that Rusty sounds as if he's most proficient on the drumkit: parallels to Phil Collins and Keith Moon, etc., perhaps?!
ReplyDelete(If only his rendition of The Bells Of St Marys was performed on a set of tuned mice: "And now for something completely different..." ;)!
My drum teacher back in the 80s, an old London session pro named Alan Burgoyne, claimed to have taught Rusty to play drums.