Happy Easter my friends! Something a little peculiar today, but something that seems perfectly suited to these peculiarly topsy-turvy times we’re living through currently… a Christmas record about the Easter bunny, from Californian country-western label Canary.
Canary was one of two labels set up by songwriter Earl
Miles around 1966. First came Canary – named apparently after the birds that Earl
kept ('Growing
up we did own two yellow canaries: "Pretty Bird" and "Old
Ugly",' Doree Miles tells me) – and then the mostly spoken-word offshoot Yellow Bird. The company held a
registered office in Redwood City, California but recorded the majority of
their material in Nashville (at the Monument Studios) because, as Earl
explained, ‘Our artists are all local people, but we want the authentic
Nashville country flavor’. After splitting their time between Nashville and Redwood City, at some point in the early 1970s they moved to Portland. It was then that Earl decided to
amalgamate, and the company’s sole label became Canary Yellow Bird.
What sets Miles apart from most song-poem/vanity projects is
that, initially at least, Miles had some money behind him and was able to
employ some decent talent. Kentucky-born but San Francisco-based park ranger
and part-time singer Durward Erwin recorded several sides and an album, Mod
and Country, for Canary, and some of those tracks were picked up by the
Irish company Emerald (distributed by Decca in the UK) for release here in dear
old Blighty, and short-lived Philips imprint Nashville for release in Britain
and in Germany. Erwin/Miles sides were even issued in New Zealand.
According to Erwin’s
own website, he wrote and paid for the songs on Mod and Country to be
recorded, but that is not the case. Of the 12 songs on the album eight are credited to Earl Miles, three
to Grace Tindall and one to Gertrude Faith. 'My
father wrote most of the songs on the Mod and Country album,' Doree confirms. 'His name is on the
original copyright which my sister and I own. I was there as my father wrote
many of his songs. He would play his Martin guitar as he created the words and
music. I also have the original handwritten scores when he wrote the songs as
well as the copyrights. To my knowledge, the songs were not written by Durward.
Durward just sang the songs.' At first, I thought that Erwin and
Miles could have been one and the same person, but apparently not, although according
to later Billboard reports it does seem that Erwin was a shareholder in
the business.
By 1969 money must have been running out, and instead of using
talent like Erwin, he was relying on family members to record for him. Linda Rae
Miles issued several sides for Canary Yellow Bird; further
releases featured the ‘steel guitar artistry’ (that’s how it appears on the
label) of one Smiley Miles, who also acted at Linda Rae’s personal manager. 'Justice
(Jud) Miles, nicknamed Smiley, was my father's older brother,' Doree tells me. 'My sister and I
referred to him as Uncle Jud. Norm may have been his formal name or middle
name [For a while Norm Miles was the third partner in the business, along with Earl and Durward]. Jud was Linda's manager and at some point, they married.'

Earl Miles passed away in 1998, leaving his daughters, Doree and Darla, both of whom appear on The Christmas Bunny (Interview), to look after his legacy.
Here are both sides of the fabulous Christmas Bunny 45.
Download Bunny HERE
Download Interview HERE
Fascinating stuff. Reminds me of this 45 from The Smothers Brothers, probably just as hard to find.
MAny THANKS ! I just posted this same record (which I own) on my Facebook Page...https://www.facebook.com/jinglebellrocksdoc
ReplyDeleteI know folks will appreciate the free downloads !