I’ve finally begun the arduous task of digitising my entire
song-poem collection. It’s a job that will take months – I have hundreds of
song-poem 45s and dozens of albums – but I reckon it will be worth it, for it’s
already throwing up some great stuff that, as far as I am aware, has not been
shared on the internet before now.
Today’s offering is the first of the fruit of that labour.
Sammy Marshall was the go-to male singer at the Globe
recording studio in Nashville, Tennessee, and it is he who performs the two
tracks I’ve selected for you today, both sides of a disc issued – one can
safely assume – in early 1964: The Ballad of John F Kennedy and Physical
I love this disc, especially the biro scribbles on the A-side
label, warning the disc jockey: ‘Do Not Play’, ‘Don’t’, ‘Never Play’, and,
simply, ‘No’! Poor David Fitzgerald, who composed the lyrics for the two songs,
would have been heartbroken if he had ever seen that. The flip is simply
described as a ‘bomb’. Now usually the phrase ‘it’s a bomb’ means the same as
‘it’s a smash’, but in this case I’m assuming that whoever wrote that word
wanted to convey another meaning! It’s not a bad song, but severely dated for
Sammy Marshall performed under a series of different names,
including every-so-slightly altered versions of his own moniker - Sonny
Marshall, Sonny Marcell, Sonny Maracel, and even the exotic-sounding Le Son Y
Marshall – as well as Ben Tate (usually for Ronnie Records), Chuck Jones and
Johnny Evans. There are many more. His laid back, slick lounge style was
perfectly suited to the average song-poem offering, although there are a few
offerings where he achieves a perfect teen sound, aping any of the endless
number of toothy blond pop sensations of the late 50s or early 60s.

JoAnn Auborn was Globe's first female vocalist. She also
appeared under the names Joan Auborn, Kris Arden, and Damita (not Damita Jo). I
have a song-poem 45, on Frank Lyle Buck Records, credited to The Mystery Girl,
another of JoAnn’s pseudonyms. On that particular disc (the flip side of which
features Sammy Marshall) she is accompanied by Al Auborn on piano. Her husband,
or her brother? After JoAnn’s tenure, a singer called Mary Kaye (not the same
singer who fronted Vegas-based recording act the Mary Kaye Trio) took the mic
for the later years of Globe's run.
As well as operating their own demo recording facility and
small label, Globe recorded hundreds of sides for vanity releases on custom
labels, as well as operating a lucrative song-poem business. Operated by Jim
and Glenna Maxwell, Globe tended to work for what Phil Milstein, at the American
Song-Poem Music Archives, calls ‘individual customers who wanted to pretend to
be a record company for a little while, handled occasional overflow work for
some of the larger song-poem companies, such as Air and Preview, and contracted
out record pressing for Halmark. Because their work pops up under so many
different names and so rarely under their own, they have become something like
the Zelig of song-poem concerns.’
So, here are The Ballad of John F Kennedy and Physical
Fitness, performed by Sonny Marshall. Oh, and why did I choose to title
today’s post ‘A Sound Reputation‘? That was Globe’s motto, which appeared as
part of the company logo.
Download JFK HERE
Download Physical HERE